Derecho electoral autonómico redundante, reglamentario, minimalista y rígido


  • Miguel Angel Presno Linera Universidad de Oviedo


The porpoise of this paper is to analyze the effect on the recent reforms of the Autonomous Statutes on the electoral system of the Autonomous Communities. These reforms have included material rules (for example, electoral debates) and procedural rules (a qualify majority to approve the electoral bill). The new Autonomous Statutes show a double mistrust. First, a mistrust against the Central Parliament and its Electoral General Bill (LOREG), because of the strong regulation of this bill on the regional elections. Second, a mistrust against the Parliament of the Autonomous Community, which is tied up in two ways: a) fixing on the Autonomous Statute those topics that should be in an electoral bill; b) through the «consensus trap», requiring a high majority to pass the electoral bill that will produce no bill. Because the extension of the General Electoral Bill (LOREG) and the Autonomous Statute regulation on electoral matters and the small innovation through the regional autonomous system it is clear that the Electoral Bills of the Autonomous Communities are redundant, too detail, minimalist and inflexible.




