About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Iberia. Revista de la Antigüedad is around a large chronological framework: from aspects belonging to Prehistory (from Paleolithic to the Late Prehistory) to the formation of the historical structures and its evolution during the Ancient World, meaning also the transformations of the late Antiquity.

Peer Review Process

All papers are sent for evaluation to two external experts on the topic.

Publication Frequency

This Journal is published yearly.

Journal items are published collectively, as part of an issue with its own Table of Contents.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Publisher copyright & self-archiving policies

  • Author can archive publisher's version/PDF
  • On authors personal web site or institutional repositories or on funders designated website/repository after publication at the funders request or as a result of legal obligation immediately after publication.
  • Non-commercial no-derivatives use.
  • Published source must be acknowledged.
  • Must include set publisher statement:
    - First published in Iberia. Revista de la Antigüedad in [volume and number, or year], published by Universidad de La Rioja (Spain).
    - Set phrase to accompany link to published version:
    The original publication is available at: publicaciones.unirioja.es/revistas/iberia

Indexation and quality analysis

Iberia. Revista de la Antigüedad is included in the following databases:



Latindex (Catálogo)


Also it is included in several resources for scientific journals quality analysis:

DICE (Difusión y Calidad Editorial de las Revistas Españolas de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas) . Valoración de la difusión internacional: 1.5 . Internacionalidad de las contribuciones: 16.67 . Categoría ANEP: C

MIAR Modelo de Identificación y Evaluación de Revistas. ICDS (Índice Compuesto de Difusión Secundaria) = 3.646

RESH (Revistas Españolas de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades) . Criterios de calidad editorial: CNEAI (11), ANECA (12), Latindex (27) . Opinión de expertos 2009: 0.02

Journal History

From 1998 to 2009, this annual journal is published by the University of La Rioja. Iberia is around a large chronological framework: from aspects belonging to Prehistory (from Paleolithic to the Late Prehistory) to the formation of the historical structures and its evolution during the Ancient World, meaning also the transformations of the late Antiquity.