Cerámicas engobadas romanas procedentes de Libia (Herramélluri, La Rioja)


  • Rosa Aurora Luezas Pascual Instituto de Estudios Riojanos


The old city of Libia, quoted by The Ancient Plinio, Ptolomeo and Antonino’s Itinerary, is situated two kilometres from the village of Herramélluri. The diggings that Marcos Pous carried out between 1966 and 1971, exposed a weak settlement during the I Iron Age, with the city reaching its most prosperous peak during the Roman period, above all in Trajano’s time and remaining under ocupation until the VIth century. Among the ceramic materials the terra sigillata -italic, spanish, late galic-, coarse pottery, lamps and dipped pottery stand out. The study focuses on the dipped pottery, materials that were relegated or clasified mistakenly some decades ago.





Noticiario arqueológico