La necrópolis romana de Haza del Arca y el santuario del deus Airoinis en la Fuente Redonda (Uclés, Cuenca)


  • María Dolores Sánchez de Prado Universidad de Alicante
  • Alberto José Lorrio Alvarado Universidad de Alicante


A group of materials coming from a Roman cemetery of the first century AD is analyzed. It was dug at the end of the XIX century in the territory of the city of Segobriga. The study of the objects and the conserved documentation us has allowed to identify its origin that must locate in Haza del Arca in the proximity of Uclés (Cuenca), where a cemetery of the Iron Age and some materials of later roman times were also located. The discovery of an altar dedicated to Deus Aironis close to the cemetery has allowed, also, to locate a sanctuary dedicated to an indigenous divinity.


