Sobre la antigua cartografía y sus métodos : Los fundamentos numéricos de la Hispania de Claudio Ptolomeo


  • José María Gómez Fraile Universidad de Alcalá


The aim of this research lies in checking the origin of the geographical coordinates of Ptolemy on the Iberian peninsula. To achieve this goal the author proposes as methodologic innovation to change the geographical coordinates into distances in stadia between equidistant points, to provide with an analytical comparison of numerical informations derived from the mathematical Greek geography and from the road Roman network. The evidence suggests a mixture of theoretical data based on astronomical foundations and practical data based on Roman roads. The principal contribution concerns of the impossibility to make compatible the road data with the Eratosthenes’ traditional globe of 252.000 stadia. The circumstance could explain why Marinos and Ptolemy decided to use the Poseidonius’ figure of 500 stadia to the degree.




