El culto a los santos en una inscripción de La Villa de Ocón (La Rioja)


  • Urbano Espinosa Ruiz Universidad de La Rioja


We publish here an inscription of the San Miguel´s church of La Villa de Ocón (La Rioja) realized on a small plate of marble. For centuries it forms a part of a wide group of relics of martyrs and saints, whose identity authenticates the text. The epigraph was realized in the late Middle Ages, but the plate decorated with a cross and a star of 5 tops, is dated in the Late Antique or in the early Middle Ages. The author proposes that the inscription copies, including numerous corruptions, an original document probably of the 9th century. Of several saints that mentions the text only is possible to identify Melanius Redenensis, Cucuphas Barcinoniensis and Bartholomeus.




