Margaret Storm Jameson and the Spanish Civil War : The Fight for Human Values
Spain is not generally thought of as a significant theme in Jameson’s writing, or her political formation. But careful study of her life and writing discloses numerous connections to the country from the early 1930s onwards, and No Victory for the Soldier (1938), the novel she published under the pseudonym of James Hill, in the 1930s, closes with a lengthy section on the Spanish Civil War. The tragic heroism of the Republic at war provides the ideal context for Jameson’s exploration of the capacity of modernist art, or rather, modernist artists (the Auden generation) to speak in the name of the future of the common man. Spain, and especially the Basque country, fighting the fascist war machine, is one of the last repositories of humane living and European values: reason, justice, humanity and decency.Downloads
Basque Children. [n.d.] URL
Batista I Roca J. M. and Carles Pi Sunyer. [1942]. “European Unity and the Smaller Nations”. Writers in Freedom. Ed. Hermon Ould. London: Hutchinson & Co. 120-26.
Birkett, Jennifer. 2007. “A Fictional Function: Storm Jameson and W. H. Auden”. English: The Journal of the English Association 56 (215): 171-85.
Campbell, Roy. 1951. Light on a Dark Horse. An Autobiography (1901-1935). London: Hollis & Carter.
Chalmers Mitchell, Peter. 1938. My House in Málaga. London: Faber and Faber.
Chapman, Guy. 1975. A Kind of Survivor: A Memoir. Ed. Margaret Storm Jameson. London: Gollancz.
Hill, James. (Pseudonym of Margaret Storm Jameson.) 1939 (1938). No Victory for the Soldier. New York: Doubleday, Doran & Co., Inc. London: Collins.
Jameson, Margaret Storm. 1928. Farewell to Youth. London: William Heinemann Ltd.
Jameson, Margaret Storm. 1930-39. Letters from Storm Jameson to Hermon Ould. PEN Archive. Ms (PEN). Recip. Jameson, Storm. 3rd Folder 1930-39. Austin, Texas: Harry Ransom Center.
Jameson, Margaret Storm. 1936. In the Second Year. London: Cassell & Company Ltd.
Jameson, Margaret Storm. 1952. The Green Man. London: Macmillan & Co. Ltd.
Jameson, Margaret Storm. 1984a (1969-70). Journey from the North. 2 vols. London: Virago Press.
Jameson, Margaret Storm. 1984b (1935). Love in Winter. London: Virago Press.
Jameson, Margaret Storm. 1984c (1936). None Turn Back. London: Virago Press.
Jameson, Margaret Storm. 2007. “Letters to Hilary Newitt Brown”. Margaret Storm Jameson: Writing in Dialogue. Eds. Jennifer Birkett and Chiara Briganti. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publications. 165-206.
Jameson, Margaret Storm. [n.d.]. Typescript of Journey from the North. Vol. 2. Jameson, Storm. Works (Autobiography). Austin, Texas: Harry Ransom Center.
London PEN Centre. 1937-43. Executive Committee Minute Book. PEN Archive (uncatalogued at time of consulTation). Austin, Texas: Harry Ransom Center.
Mairet, Philip. 1933. “Views and Reviews. A League of Minds”. New English Weekly III (10): 231-32.
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