The Receptive Vocabulary of English Foreign Language Young Learners


  • Rosa María Jiménez Catalán University of La Rioja
  • Melania Terrazas Gallego University of La Rioja



English as a Foreign Language, receptive vocabulary size, L2 proficiency, primary education, gender difference


This paper responds to the need for research on vocabulary knowledge in foreign language education. First, we investigate the receptive vocabulary knowledge of students learning English in Spanish primary education by using the 1,000 word test and the 2,000 frequency band of The Vocabulary Levels Test (VLT). Second, we study differences between the sexes by comparing their scores. Third, we evaluate whether students’ scores correlate with their scores on a cloze test. As a result, we show that their English receptive vocabulary size falls within the 1,000 word level. Finally, we demonstrate the existence of a positive correlation between the two frequency bands and a cloze test.



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How to Cite

Jiménez Catalán, R. M., & Terrazas Gallego, M. (2008). The Receptive Vocabulary of English Foreign Language Young Learners. Journal of English Studies, 5, 173–191.

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