Wyndham Lewis and the Meanings of Spain


  • Alan Munton University of Plymouth




Wyndham Lewis (1882-1957) visited Spain only twice, so far as is known. Yet the impact on his work was very significant. His novel The Revenge for Love (1937) is partly set in Spain, and is an important political novel of the 1930s; his painting The Siege of Barcelona (1936-37) is a significant statement about Spanish history and the Civil War. Less happy is the polemical essay Count Your Dead: They are Alive! (1937), which takes sides against the legitimate government. (He changed his mind the following year.) This discussion is based on themes apparent in Lewis’s understanding of Spain: his experience at the centre and on the margins; his overcoming of well-known clichés about Spain; his grasp of the importance of Spanish Anarchism; his recognition of the gaze or mirada as an element in life; and a final discussion of The Siege of Barcelona – which after 1939 was renamed The Surrender of Barcelona. That significant change indicates the seriousness of Lewis’s understanding of Spain.



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Edwards, Paul. 1998. “‘It’s time for another war’: the historical unconscious and the failure of modernism.” Wyndham Lewis and the art of modern war. Ed. David Peters Corbett. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 124-153.

Edwards, Paul. 2000. Wyndham Lewis: Painter and Writer. New Haven CT and London: Yale University Press.

Jenkins, David Fraser and Chris Stephens, eds. 2004. Gwen John and Augustus John. London: Tate Publishing.

Lewis, Wyndham. 1910. “A Spanish Household”. The Tramp: An Open Air Magazine (June-July): 356-360.

Lewis, Wyndham. [1955]. “Twentieth Century Palette”. Unpublished typescript.

Lewis, Wyndham. 1969 [1971]. Wyndham Lewis on Art: Collected writings 1913-1956. Eds. Walter Michel and C. J. Fox. London: Thames and Hudson.

Lewis, Wyndham. Crossing the Frontier. Introd. B. Lafourcade and B. Morrow. Santa Barbara CA: Black Sparrow Press.

Lewis, Wyndham. 1981 (1914). Blast 1. Ed. Bradford Morrow. Santa Barbara CA: Black Sparrow Press.

Lewis, Wyndham. 1984 (1950). Rude Assignment: An Intellectual Autobiography. Ed. Toby Foshay. Santa Barbara CA: Black Sparrow Press. First published as: Rude Assignment: A narrative of my career up-to-date.

Lewis, Wyndham. 1991 (1937). The Revenge for Love. Ed. Reed Way Dasenbrock. Santa Rosa CA: Black Sparrow Press.

Lewis, Wyndham. 1992. The Complete Wild Body. Ed. Bernard Lafourcade. Santa Barbara CA: Black Sparrow Press.

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Song of Roland. 1919. Trans C. K. Scott Moncrieff. At http://omacl.org/Roland/r162-233.html




How to Cite

Munton, A. (2008). Wyndham Lewis and the Meanings of Spain. Journal of English Studies, 5, 245–258. https://doi.org/10.18172/jes.131