Information-structure strategies in English/Spanish translation




Information structure, translation strategies, passive, topic, focus, English/Spanish


This paper discusses information structure-based strategies that could be used in translating from English to Spanish. It is widely observed that many problems arise in translation when establishing the theme/topic and providing the focus content in the target language, given the grammatical instruments available in the source language. It is extremely important to use similar discourse mechanisms to present the same message in exactly the same terms from an information-structure point of view. This means that the syntactic configuration may be different in the source and target texts. I focus on three information structure phenomena, namely Passive, Topic Fronting and Negative Preposing in the two languages, to analyse the preservation of the discourse flow in various translations for the optimal use of the relevant constructions.



Author Biography

Ángel L. Jiménez-Fernández, Universidad de Sevilla

Departamento de Lengua Inglesa

Profesor Titular de Universidad

Director de Departamento


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How to Cite

Jiménez-Fernández, Ángel L. (2020). Information-structure strategies in English/Spanish translation. Journal of English Studies, 18, 83–107.


