Becoming Visible
Thomas More in 16th Century Portrait Books
Thomas More, viri illustres, engravings, Holbein, Reformation, PhysiognomyAbstract
While in England the memory of Thomas More had been erased from public life after his execution (6 June 1535), English Catholics exiled in the Spanish Netherlands preserved his figure and legacy. Furthermore, the inclusion of More’s engraving in 16th-century portrait books of distinguished personalities–the so-called viri illustres genre–, contributed to the promotion of the famous English humanist in continental Europe. Soon, More’s integrity and wisdom were extolled not only in works printed in Catholic countries but also in other territories that no longer accepted Rome’s authority. This paper analyses the depiction (both image and text) of the English humanist in all these works. The visual and textual rhetoric of these engravings shows their mutual dependence.
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