‘The Troubles’ and the Peace Process in Northern Ireland in Seamus Heaney’s "The Cure at Troy"
Seamus Heaney, The Cure at Troy, Northern Ireland, Troubles, violence, hopeAbstract
Based on "Philoctetes", the tragic play by Sophocles, the poet Seamus Heaney creates his own version in "The Cure at Troy" to present the political and social problems in Northern Ireland during the period that became known euphemistically as ‘the Troubles’. This paper aims to highlight the significance of Heaney’s play in the final years of the conflict. Heaney uses the classical Greek play to bring to light the plight and suffering of the Northern Irish people as a consequence of the atavistic and sectarian violence between the unionist and nationalist communities. Nevertheless, Heaney also provides possible answers that allow readers to harbour a certain degree of hope towards peace and the future in Northern Ireland.
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