Lexical structure, lexical concepts and metaphorical concepts : the case of "change" verbs in English


  • Jesús M. Sánchez García University of Córdoba




The aim of this paper is twofold: (i) To examine some of the notions current in the FLM (L. M. Mingorance¿s Functional Lexematic Model of semantic description) concerning lexical structure and knowledge, in the light of the cognitive paradigm; and (ii) to analyse some of the connections that can be established between the English lexico-conceptual domain of CHANGE verbs and other domains via the definitional structure of such lexical concepts as those of change verbs -as structured by the FLM-, in order to identify the underlying metaphorical concepts and processes involved.


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Cómo citar

Sánchez García, J. M. (1999). Lexical structure, lexical concepts and metaphorical concepts : the case of "change" verbs in English. Journal of English Studies, 1, 257–269. https://doi.org/10.18172/jes.51