Language advisers and their role in self-access centres


  • Marta Navarro Coy San Antonio Catholic University



The main objective of this paper is to contribute to the research in a field which to date has not received the attention it deserves: the figure of language advisers and the role they play as facilitators of learning in the context of a selfaccess centre. In spite of not being abundant, the literature on the topic offers some information as to the characteristics of good language advisers including features related to the academic and professional requirements as well as to personal traits. Based on this data a questionnaire was designed with the aim of gaining insight into how advisers themselves perceive the roles they play as well as detecting the strengths and weaknesses of the work they carry out in self-access centres. The results that may be obtained from the application of this questionnaires can prove an extremely valuable feedback for institutions and people in charge of these centres in order to establish whether there is a need for comprehensive training so as to create a centre made up of fully qualified professionals.


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Cómo citar

Navarro Coy, M. (2004). Language advisers and their role in self-access centres. Journal of English Studies, 4, 155–169.


