Infiltration and soil hydrological groups on the slopes of the limestone moors (Valladolid, Spain)


  • J. Mongil Universidad Católica de Ávila
  • J. Navarro Universidad de Valladolid



Saturated hydraulic conductivity, runoff, SCS Curve Number, Horton, forest


We show the results of three soil infiltration tests that were made in the slopes under the typical limestone moors of the Valladolid Province (Spain). Soils tested have evolved from Tertiary grey silts and clays generating clayey to loamy textures. Vegetation on these soils is a Pinus halepensis forest from reforestation and two Mediterranean brush degraded covers. Horton infiltration model has been adjusted using data from the trials. Soil hydrologic groups from runoff Curve Number model have been also determined for every soil tested. Finally, soil infiltration conditions are moderate for everyone, but much better in the pine forest than in the others. Final infiltration rate is mediumto- low. Soils belong to C and D Hydrologic Soil Groups according to their texture, saturated hydraulic conductivity and minimum infiltration rate, although pine forest shows a certain group B quality. These results would allow better approach for the Hydrologic Soil Groups proposed by the Curve Number Method for using them in simulation hydrologic models to estimate floods and land-use planning or to estimate design flows of fluvial infrastructures in river basins with similar lands to those studied here.


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How to Cite

Mongil J, Navarro J. Infiltration and soil hydrological groups on the slopes of the limestone moors (Valladolid, Spain). CIG [Internet]. 2013 Jun. 3 [cited 2025 Mar. 29];38(1):131-53. Available from:


