The role of the relief in the definition of landscape units. The case of Muntanyes d’Ordal


  • D. Serrano Giné Universitat Rovira i Virgili



Landscape, land survey, landscape unit, relief landscape, Muntanyes d’Ordal


This paper deals on the importance of the relief in the landscape and, particularly, in the definition of landscape units. It establishes a classification that differentiates three approaches, according to the relief methodological treatment. Finally it develops a methodology according to surveys with geomorphological basis that is applied to Muntanyes d’Ordal (Barcelona). The results are completed with detailed cartography, where 36 units are identified, and with a succinct reflection on the goodness and difficulties of the employed method.


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How to Cite

Serrano Giné D. The role of the relief in the definition of landscape units. The case of Muntanyes d’Ordal. CIG [Internet]. 2013 Jun. 3 [cited 2025 Mar. 26];38(2):123-45. Available from:


