The paleolake of La Larri (Pineta valley, Pyrenees): explanation in the framework of the last glacial maximum in the Pyrenees
paleolake, last glacial maximun, geomorphology, electric tomography, Central Pyrenees,Abstract
The unique geological framework of the “los Llanos de La Larri” (Ordesa-Monte Perdido National Park) facilitated the genesis of a relevant juxtaglacial sedimentary record during the last glacial phase in the central Pyrenees. In this study we conducted a geomorphological and outcrop survey, an electric tomography study and the definition of the main sedimentological units by means of the study of 3 cores up to 17 m long. The combined study of surface and underground data has allowed us to define a paleolacustrine sedimentary sequence more than 40 m thick and the geometry and nature of the units of the infilling sequence. Radiocarbon dating indicate that the minimum age of this deposit is 35 ky (BP) at 17 m depth, and the infilling of the basin ends at 11 ky BP.Downloads
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