Deglaciation of the High Tatra Mountains


  • M. Makos



exposure age chronology, deglaciation, glacier-climate modeling, LGM, Lateglacial, High Tatra Mountains.


Investigation on the glaciation of the High Tatra Mountains has an over 200 years long history. The chronology of the last deglaciation of the massif has been based mainly on geomorphologic evidence, thermo-luminiscence (TL) dating and few radiocarbon ages. This study presents the current state of knowledge about the last glacial cycle and its termination in the High Tatra Mountains based on exposure age chronology. 36Cl dating of glacial features applied on both the northern and the southern slope of the range, indicates that the maximum advance (LGM I) occurred in the time range between 25 and 20 ka and the subsequent episode (LGM II) when glaciers were stable, took place at around 18 ka. The mean annual temperature was depressed by 11-12ºC in relation to the modern conditions and precipitation was 40-50% of the present day value. The younger glacier advances or stillstands likely occurred at around 17-16 ka (LG1) and at 15 ka (LG2). Both of them can be correlated with the Greenland Stadial 2a (the Oldest Dryas). Modelled climatic conditions indicate cold and dry climate with 9-10ºC lower temperature and 30-50% lower precipitation. The Lateglacial Interstadial 2 is recorded as fast thinning of glaciers in the upper part of the catchments between 15 and 13 ka. The LG3 glacial episode is marked by well-fomed terminal moraines which were formed at around 12.5 ka. This cooling correlates well with the Younger Dryas (Greenland Stadial 1) when temperature in the Tatra Mountains was lower than today by about 6ºC and precipitation was about 75% of current values.


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How to Cite

Makos M. Deglaciation of the High Tatra Mountains. CIG [Internet]. 2015 Apr. 21 [cited 2025 Mar. 26];41(2):317-35. Available from:


