Variation of precipitation concentration from 1960 to 2014 in the Middle and Lower reaches of the Yangtze River Basin, China


  • L. Zhao School of Resource and Environmental Sciences Wuhan University
  • J. M. Wang School of Resource and Environmental Sciences Wuhan University
  • Z. Zhao School of Resource and Environmental Sciences Wuhan University
  • J. Fang School of Resource and Environmental Sciences Wuhan University



Precipitation concentration, spatio-temporal variation, ENSO, Yangtze River Basin


Based on the daily rainfall data of 127 stations from 1960 to 2014, this study investigated the spatial-temporal variation of PCD (precipitation-concentration degree) and PCP (precipitation-concentration period), and their possible relations with ENSO (El Niño-Southern Oscillation) in the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River of China. Main results have indicated that, firstly, the mean PCD was generally below 0.5 across the whole study area, with the lower value located in the northeast and south. Besides, there was a positive trend of concentrated precipitation in the west part while negative in the east. Secondly, the mean PCP ranged from May to July and delayed from south to north, along with a trend of advancing rainy season in the central part. In addition, PCD had a positive relation with ONI (Oceanic Niño Index), while PCP negative. El Niño led the rainy season earlier and the precipitation more concentrated. This study could not only shed a light on the understanding of the variation of precipitation pattern, but also provide theoretical support for regional disaster risk governance and water resources management in the middle and lower Yangtze River Basin.


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How to Cite

Zhao L, Wang JM, Zhao Z, Fang J. Variation of precipitation concentration from 1960 to 2014 in the Middle and Lower reaches of the Yangtze River Basin, China. CIG [Internet]. 2016 Jun. 27 [cited 2025 Mar. 26];42(1):205-20. Available from:


