Natura 2000 network fragmentation caused by road infrastructures in Mallorca


  • R. Rosselló-Melis University of the Balearic Islands
  • J. Lorenzo-Lacruz University of the Balearic Islands



fragmentation, biodiversity conservation, Geographic Information Systems, Mediterranean region


Habitat fragmentation is considered a main cause of the global biodiversity crisis. Particularly, the presence of linear transport infrastructures is one of the main causes of habitat fragmentation and its effects represent a threat to the diversity and richness of habitats and to the dispersal capacity of species. This study assesses the state of fragmentation of Natura 2000 habitats (LIC and ZEPA) on Mallorca (Balearic Islands) and analyses its relationship with the presence of road infrastructures, through application of different physiographic and morphometric indicators. The analysis shows a higher degree of fragmentation in the Natura 2000 habitats located in north of Mallorca and the western sector of the Tramuntana mountain range. Those are also more vulnerable to external disturbance, due to a higher proportion of edge habitat in relation to interior habitat. The average use of roads that intersect with protected areas is 5500 vehicles per day. However, the main affectations caused by traffic are concentrated in specific sectors of the Tramuntana range and in the north of the island (Pollença bay, Alcúdia bay and Artá) where the average use is higher than 10,000 vehicles per day.


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How to Cite

Rosselló-Melis R, Lorenzo-Lacruz J. Natura 2000 network fragmentation caused by road infrastructures in Mallorca. CIG [Internet]. 2017 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 26];43(1):329-4. Available from:


