Analysis of the functional diversity of the herbaceous stratum in a ‘dehesa’ ecosystem using in situ hyperspectral proximal sensing
biophysical variables, vegetation indices, functional diversity, hyperspectral data, grasslandsAbstract
The aim of this paper is the estimation of functional diversity (FD) of the herbaceous stratum in a ‘dehesa’ ecosystem using hyperspectral data obtained with an ASD FieldSpec® 3 (Analytical Spectral Devices Inc., Boulder, CO, EE. UU.) spectroradiometer. Optical data were correlated with biophysical variables (specific leaf area (SLA), above-ground biomass (AGB), leaf area index (LAI) and nitrogen content (N%)) and traditional diversity indices (Shannon and Evenness) and functional diversity indices (FDis) using as predictor variables: a) vegetation indices (VIs) and simple regression methods, and b) spectral bands and Partial Least Squares Regression (PLSR). Correlations, especially with biophysical variables, improved substantially when using hyperspectral information (R2 >0.6, rRMSE <0.1), which confirms the interest of the spectral dimension to estimate the functional diversity of a complex ecosystem such as semi-arid grasslands.
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