Spatial characterization of climatic variables for Arica-Parinacota and Tarapacá, Chile using topoclimatic analysis
Atacama Desert, Spatial characterization, topoclimatic analysisAbstract
In the present study, models were developed to determine the monthly and annual spatio-temporal variation of temperature, precipitation, and solar radiation based on topoclimatic analysis of Arica-Parinacota and Tarapacá in northern Chile. To construct the equations of the topoclimatic model, the data from meteorological stations and physiographic factors (latitude, longitude, altitude, and distance to bodies of water) obtained from a digital terrain model with a resolution of 90 m were compiled in a database. The equations of the topoclimatic model were generated by a stepwise regression with a backward selection technique. The equations for average monthly temperature, precipitation, and solar radiation were determined by linear combinations. The results were statistically significant with coefficients of determination greater than 90%, in addition to being greater than the existing climate databases for this area.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Luis Morales-Salinas, Giorgio Castellaro, Nora Frederiksen, Luis F. Román, José Neira-Román, Guillermo Fuentes Jaque, Cristian Escobar Avaria, Felipe Morales

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