The poetics of the river in Indian literature in English




Eco-poetics, Indian aesthetics, global, glocal, postcolonial, Indian literature in English.


Water is a natural element that has been universally and religiously recognized as a purifying natural symbol. In India this element acquires special significance from a literary perspective, from poetry to narrative. In a current world that appears to be devoid of spiritual values, where technological modernity is an integral part of our daily experience, it seems necessary to rediscover and recover old sacred values that acquire significant meaning as explained under the eye of an eco-spiritual approach to several examples taken from the corpus of Indian writing in English. In the midst of a world that has turned into a globalised village with hardly any cultural differences, proud as we are of our age of information and communication, it seems necessary to bring forward forgotten values essential to human beings. In Indian writing they can be identified by the symbol of water and the image of the river.



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How to Cite

Escobedo de Tapia, C., & Mena González, Ángela. (2016). The poetics of the river in Indian literature in English. Journal of English Studies, 14, 111–124.


