Un fragmento del mundo, un trozo de conciencia humana: “The Bone Sharps” (2007) y “The Tinsmith” (2012), de Tim Bowling


  • Leonor María Martínez Serrano Universidad de Córdoba



Palabras clave:

Tim Bowling, narrativa, conciencia, epistemología, historia, identidad


El novelista, poeta y ensayista Tim Bowling es uno de los autores más prestigiosos de las letras canadienses del siglo XXI. Autor prolífico y versátil, ha publicado hasta la fecha doce poemarios, cuatro novelas, unas memorias y una obra creativa de ensayo. Este artículo analiza dos de sus novelas, “The Bone Sharps” (2007) y “The Tinsmith” (2012), verdaderas herramientas de conocimiento que exploran no solo la conciencia humana como prisma a través del cual dotamos de sentido a la realidad y a nosotros mismos, sino también la historia, la memoria y la identidad, la epistemología y la ética. Un fragmento del mundo y un trozo de conciencia humana: esto es lo que ambas novelas representan.


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Biografía del autor/a

Leonor María Martínez Serrano, Universidad de Córdoba

Leonor María Martínez Serrano works as a Lecturer in the Department of English and German Philology at the University of Córdoba, where she pursued her doctoral studies and gained a PhD on Canadian Literature. She is a member of the research group Writs of Empire: Poetics and Politics in Modern and Contemporary Literatures in English, and her research interests include fiction, poetry, Canadian Literature, High Modernism, First Nations and Oral Literatures. She has presented papers on Literature in international conferences held in Spain, Italy, Germany, Croatia, Romania and Ireland. She has been a Visiting Scholar at the University of Toronto, the University of British Columbia, and the University of the West of Scotland.


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Bowling, T. 1995. Low Water Slack. Vancouver: Nightwood Editions.

Bowling, T. 2010. The Bone Sharps. Kentville, Nova Scotia: Gaspereau Press.

Bowling, T. 2012. The Tinsmith. Edmonton, Alberta: Brindle & Glass.

Brundage, D. 2014. “A Writer’s Tension: Reflections on Genre, Place, and Time” Athabaska University. <http://writer-iresidence.athabascau.ca/archive/ TimBowling/docs/TimBowling_Interview.pdf > (Accessed 10 June 2015)

Denton, D. 2008. “Tim Bowling – Interview”. Literary Photographer. <http://literaryphotographer.com/tim-bowling-interview/> (Accessed 10 June 2015)

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Medley, M. 2012. “A River Runs Through Tim Bowling’s The Tinsmith”. National Post 7 November. <http://news.nationalpost.com/afterword/a-river-runs-through-tim-bowlings-the-tinsmith> (Accessed 10 June 2015)

Nancy, J.-L. 2008. Corpus. New York: Fordham University Press. Trans. Richard A. Rand.

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Woolf, V. 1977. The Diary of Virginia Woolf, Volume I: 1915-1919. London: Penguin Books.




Cómo citar

Martínez Serrano, L. M. (2017). Un fragmento del mundo, un trozo de conciencia humana: “The Bone Sharps” (2007) y “The Tinsmith” (2012), de Tim Bowling. Journal of English Studies, 15, 135–154. https://doi.org/10.18172/jes.3058


