Una aproximación a la competencia comunicativa intercultural de los estudiantes Erasmus a través de sus patrones de socialización


  • Gloria Gutiérrez Almarza Nottingham Trent University
  • Ramiro Durán Martínez Universidad de Salamanca http://orcid.org/0000-0001-8111-9844
  • Fernando Beltrán Llavador Universidad de Salamanca



Palabras clave:

Erasmus, competencia comunicativa intercultural, educación intercultural, educación superior, socialización, estudios en el extranjero


Este artículo presenta un análisis cualitativo del impacto de los modelos de socialización de estudiantes universitarios en el desarrollo de su CCI (Competencia Comunicativa Intercultural) durante su estancia Erasmus. Esta investigación complementa análisis cuantitativos previos que comparaban la CCI de estudiantes de España y del Reino Unido. Las respuestas de 40 estudiantes de Nottingham Trent University y 30 de la Universidad de Salamanca a los dieciséis ítems del cuestionario abordan tres dimensiones: patrones cotidianos de interacción, percepción general de su estancia Erasmus y lecciones interculturales aprendidas. Nuestros resultados muestran que, al finalizar su estancia, los dos grupos no evidencian diferencias sustanciales en sus formas de socialización en el extranjero y conceden primordial importancia a mostrar una actitud abierta y al dominio de la segunda lengua. Sin embargo, sus percepciones difieren en aspectos como su conocimiento previo del país anfitrión o su imagen como representantes de la cultura de su país.


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Biografía del autor/a

Gloria Gutiérrez Almarza, Nottingham Trent University

Gloria Gutiérrez Almarza, PhD, is a Spanish and Year Abroad tutor at Nottingham Trent University. Earlier, she worked at the School of Education of Avila, University of Salamanca. She has also trained primary teachers both in Spain and the UK. She has co-written articles and books on primary language teaching. She is currently working on a collaborative Santander funded project on the acquisition of ICC during the period of residence abroad by Spanish and British students.

Ramiro Durán Martínez, Universidad de Salamanca

Ramiro Durán Martínez, PhD, is a lecturer at the University of Salamanca (Department of English Studies). He started his career as an Escuela Oficial de Idiomas (Official School of Languages) teacher and since 1997, he has dedicated his time to training ESOL teachers in the primary and secondary education sector. He has collaborated in international teaching placement schemes and participated in postgraduate courses, run by the University of Salamanca, in the areas of English language teaching, bilingual programmes, the Discourse of Advertising and Intercultural Communicative Competence. He has published several books and papers in these areas.

Fernando Beltrán Llavador, Universidad de Salamanca

Fernando Beltrán Llavador, PhD, teaches at the University of Salamanca Faculty of Education. A former primary teacher, he has been a teacher trainer for over 25 years. He has co-authored books, written articles and presented papers on the interface of language, society and culture in teacher education. He has translated a number of books from English into Spanish and has collaborated in international teaching placement schemes and in Nottingham Trent University and University of Salamanca joint educational projects. He has been recently involved in studies on bilingual programs.


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Cómo citar

Gutiérrez Almarza, G., Durán Martínez, R., & Beltrán Llavador, F. (2017). Una aproximación a la competencia comunicativa intercultural de los estudiantes Erasmus a través de sus patrones de socialización. Journal of English Studies, 15, 89–106. https://doi.org/10.18172/jes.3291


