The emotional control metaphors


  • Juan Carmelo Pérez Rull I.E.S. Al-Andalus



In this paper we are concerned with the metaphors capturing the aspect of control. Emotion is conceptualized as a force inside the person that can exert pressure on him or her and the person, in turn, is seen as an entity exerting a counterforce in an attempt to control that force. The control aspect of emotion concepts is highlighted by several metaphors. The metaphorical source domains that focus on this aspect include: FLUIDS UNDER PRESSURE, OBJECTS, OPPONENTS, CAPTIVE ANIMALS, NATURAL FORCES, INSANITY, INTOXICATION, SUPERIORS, BEING ON THE GROUND, REDUCING THE TEMPERATURE. In this way we draw our attention to the metaphors converging in the stages two and three of the five-stage scenario: attempt at control and loss of control


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Cómo citar

Pérez Rull, J. C. (2002). The emotional control metaphors. Journal of English Studies, 3, 179–192.


