Chaucer's "makyng" of the Romaunt of the Rose


  • Jordi Sánchez Martí Cornell University



Despite its being the first testimony of Chaucer's genius, the interest of modern criticism in the Romaunt has mainly focused on the issue of authorship, whereas the efforts to assess this text as a translation have been limited both in their number and in their scope. This paper discusses Chaucer's translation of the Roman de la Rose, and provides an evaluation of Fragment A from a modern traductological perspective, while taking account of contemporary theoretical positions. First, this article compares the Romaunt with Chaucer's later translating practice. Second, taking into account that the immediate audience of the Romaunt would have been cognizant of French, this essay considers the pragmatic function of this translation. Finally, I reconstruct some of Chaucer's decisions in the translation process, and then I present the translation strategies he adopted in order to create an English metapoem which replicated the spirit of the Roman, thus proving the adequacy of English for poetic expression


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Cómo citar

Sánchez Martí, J. (2002). Chaucer’s "makyng" of the Romaunt of the Rose. Journal of English Studies, 3, 217–236.


