Designing new genre identities in scientific and technical discourse: cognitive, social and pedagogical implications


  • Carmen Pérez-Llantada Auría University of Zaragoza



The purpose of this paper is to foreground the rhetorical architecture of the new emerging cybergenres in the discourse of English for Science and Technology (E.S.T.) and focus on the cognitive, sociopragmatic and pedagogical implications underlying these new genre identities. In particular, the paper will assess the use of these genre typologies in the E.S.T. classroom to develop the student's awareness of the social dimension of discourse in Internet communications, and also to draw the teacher's attention towards those cognitive aspects of language learning that contemporary cognitive psychology claims. The paper will conclude with some suggestions for a communicative syllabus design in the teaching of this specialised register for academic and professional purposes


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Cómo citar

Pérez-Llantada Auría, C. (2002). Designing new genre identities in scientific and technical discourse: cognitive, social and pedagogical implications. Journal of English Studies, 3, 251–263.


