El domicilio de las personas jurídicas: evolución desde el Derecho romano y significado actual
In the Roman Law the notion of legal person did not exist, but it attributed to somecorpora and universitas capacity to take place certain legal acts. The domicile of the so called legalpersons was defined by their territorial liaison or by their statutes or by the public authority. In ourlaw, the specific norms regulate the domicile of the different legal persons. Subsidiary, the article 41CC fixes their domicile in the place where their legal representation is established or where theydevelop their principal functions. Moreover, the article 28 CC considers Spanish to the legal personsconstituted according to the Spanish Law.Downloads
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How to Cite
López Huguet, María Luisa. 2008. “El Domicilio De Las Personas jurídicas: Evolución Desde El Derecho Romano Y Significado Actual”. Revista Electrónica De Derecho De La Universidad De La Rioja (REDUR), no. 6 (November):69-94. https://doi.org/10.18172/redur.4011.
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