Reproducción asistida y determinación de la filiación
Affiliation, Parenthood, Determination, Medically assisted procreationAbstract
The determination of the parentage of children born through medically assisted procreation techniques in Spain responds to special rules contained in the Act on the matter, which are different from Spanish civil Code regime. Such substantial differences show the opposite philosophy behind those rules: the LTRHA is inspired on parent´s intention, and the Code, on the principle of biological truth. Nevertheless, LTRHA refers to the Code to integrate its many loopholes, which raises difficult issues of application and legal interpretation. This paper provides a critical approach to the Act, and some solutions.Downloads
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How to Cite
Barber Cárcamo, Roncesvalles. 2010. “Reproducción Asistida Y determinación De La filiación”. Revista Electrónica De Derecho De La Universidad De La Rioja (REDUR), no. 8 (November):25-37.
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