La adquisición del tesoro en época clásica en Derecho romano


  • Alfonso Agudo Ruiz Universidad de La Rioja



From 1 century after Christ, the figure of the inventor becomes very important from the juridical point of view. Later, Adrian stablishes a new regulation of the acquisition of the treasure, which continves in the essential aspects at the present time. The more outstanding aspects of the Adrian’s regulation are, on the one hand the recognition and the position of equality of the inventor respect to the dominus loci when the finding of the treasure takes place in another estate, and on the other hand, the comparison of the emperor, the treasury or the city to the right of the findings. Between the year 160 and 161, Marco Aurelio and Lucio Vero carry out an extension of the fiscal claims, extend them to the loca religiosa and the monumenta and they increase the penalty in case of pack of complaint of the discovered treasure to the treasury. Alejandro Severo will generally reestablish the fiscal claims, at least with regard to the more valuable treasures.


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How to Cite

Agudo Ruiz, Alfonso. 2013. “La adquisición Del Tesoro En época clásica En Derecho Romano”. Revista Electrónica De Derecho De La Universidad De La Rioja (REDUR), no. 11 (November):7-33.


