El arreglo de las controversias territoriales por la Corte Internacional de Justicia. Una aproximación a sus líneas directrices
The work of the International Court of Justice in the settlement of territorial disputes has been and is extremely prolific. His extensive jurisprudence in this area has generated a number of principles and rules on which is based this arrangement, such as the principle of continuity of territorial treaties, the principle of uti possidetis iuris, the primacy of legal title, the relativity of the effectiveness, or the critical date. This principles and rules are essential not only to International Courts, but for those States engaged in a territorial dispute.Downloads
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How to Cite
López Martín, Ana Gemma. 2013. “El Arreglo De Las Controversias Territoriales Por La Corte Internacional De Justicia. Una aproximación a Sus líneas Directrices”. Revista Electrónica De Derecho De La Universidad De La Rioja (REDUR), no. 11 (November):55-72. https://doi.org/10.18172/redur.4123.
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