Responsabilidad derivada tras la extinción del contrato de puesta a disposición
After a brief review of employment historic evolution by means of Temporary Work Agencies and the regulatory framework on which this kind of labour relationships stand, we perform an analysis of contractual, financial and/or administrative responsibility underlying the termination of contract with the user undertaking. Jurisprudence has evolved on the basis of pronouncements on specific situations and has allowed clarifying the circumstances to determine fraudulent procurement. This is important since the nature of the liability which the client company has to bear is directly linked to that assessment. Responsibility for declaring solidarity character upon the occurrence pursuant to articles 43 ET and 16.3 LETT.Downloads
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How to Cite
Puente Martínez, Pablo. 2014. “Responsabilidad Derivada Tras La extinción Del Contrato De Puesta a disposición”. Revista Electrónica De Derecho De La Universidad De La Rioja (REDUR), no. 12 (November):167-91.
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