La filiación derivada de técnicas de reproducción asistida
The filiation is the relationship between parents and their children and must be formally determined to generate legal effects. The determination of the filiation of children born by assisted reproduction techniques is regulated in LTRHA under specific rules based on different principles to those who inspire the Civil Code. However, LTRHA refers the application of the Civil Code to overcome the rules that this Act doesn’t contain, with the legal problems that this method entail. The main aim of this work is to analyze the extrajudicial and judicial determination of filiation resulting from assisted reproduction techniques.Downloads
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How to Cite
Muñoz Benito, Lucía. 2016. “La filiación Derivada De técnicas De reproducción Asistida”. Revista Electrónica De Derecho De La Universidad De La Rioja (REDUR), no. 14 (November):219-56.
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