El deporte como medio de rehabilitación y reinserción social


  • Angharad Pereda Azofra Universidad de La Rioja




Sport as a strategy of intervention in the penitentiary field adds an innovative hint to the inscrutable and affixed prison nature. A long way has been done from policies which are exclusively focused on punishment and confinement to much more humanitarian ones that pay attention to the inmates’ necessities. Our society finds itself in a moment of change at every level and it is there where sport takes an essential function within the prison treatment, as a tool at the service of the professional and as a way through which we can get the goals proclaimed in section 25.2 of the Spanish Constitution: Social rehabilitation and reintegration of people sentenced to imprisonment.


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How to Cite

Pereda Azofra, Angharad. 2016. “El Deporte Como Medio De rehabilitación Y reinserción Social”. Revista Electrónica De Derecho De La Universidad De La Rioja (REDUR), no. 14 (November):257-94. https://doi.org/10.18172/redur.4156.


