El derecho a la salud de los extranjeros residentes en situación irregular: sobre la legitimidad constitucional del RD-Ley 16/2012
This essay analyses the constitutionality of the Spanish regulation that denies the access to regular public health care to illegal aliens (Real Decreto-ley 16/2012). For this, we consider the bond between the right to health (article 43 of the Spanish Constitution) and rights to life and physical integrity (article 15 of the Spanish Constitution). This link has changed because of the constitutional jurisprudence about alien's rights, the equality principle and the tests of reasonableness and proportionality, and international human rights law. We also consider the different answers to the measure of Comunidades Autónomas and the resolutions of the Constitutional Court of Spain (Auto del Tribunal Constitucional 239/2012 and Auto del Tribunal Constitucional 114/2014).Downloads
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How to Cite
Sangüesa Ruiz, Nuria. 2015. “El Derecho a La Salud De Los Extranjeros Residentes En situación Irregular: Sobre La Legitimidad Constitucional Del RD-Ley 16/2012”. Revista Electrónica De Derecho De La Universidad De La Rioja (REDUR), no. 13 (November):233-48. https://doi.org/10.18172/redur.4181.
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