Legal regime of plantation of the vineyard and other regulatory aspects of the wine sector
The production of wine with PDO has many challenges for the future, but perhaps the main one is to maintain the prestige of its wines, for which it is essential to have quality grapes, PDO wineries paying suitable prices to wine growers for those grapes capable of maintaining the differentiation, quality and prestige of wines with PDO. However, it must grow within the framework of an EU regulation that ensures an orderly growth of its vineyard plantations to improve its competitiveness, but must respect its principles at the same time, based on what has characterized it: its quality. The limitations to the new plantations in the national scope and in particular the limitations of issuing authorizations in the regional scope that contemplate on are contemplated base in the Regulation (UE) 1308/2013, are very important for the sector vitivinícola.
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