From Criminal Repression to Primary Prevention of Criminality
An Analysis From the Colombian Context
Guarantees, criminality, criminal law, punishment, crime preventionAbstract
Contemporary democracy through the tridivision of power establishes as its horizon the jurisdictional protection of fundamental rights. In this sense, this article aims to analyze the evolution of criminal law, exploring the transition from approaches based on tertiary forms of intervention towards strategies characterized by extreme criminal repression, to primary crime prevention. Variables that are reflected in the legal actions present in the context of the law applied in Colombia. Methodologically, qualitative research was carried out from a hermeneutical-descriptive approach. Among the findings, it was evident that even in Latin America, various approaches are used that place special emphasis on punitive measures. However, the criminal actions that have occurred in the reality of several countries demonstrate the need to address the underlying causes of poverty and social exclusion, as a line of action to reduce crime.
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