Geo-ecology in the Anthropocene


  • E. Nadal-Romero Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (IPE-CSIC)
  • E. Cammeraat Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics, Ecosystem and Landscape Dynamics Department, University of Amsterdam



Anthropocene, human impact, biodiversity, hydrology, erosion, land use changes


Human activities have left signatures on the Earth for millennials, and these impacts are growing in the last decades. As a consequence, recent global change suggests that Earth may have entered a new human-dominated geological epoch. In the last years, much scientific debate has focused on the definition, stratigraphic signatures and timing of the Anthropocene. However, there is no a geological evidence, because these changes must be recorded in geologic stratigraphic material. Consequently, the definition of Anthropocene is controversial and the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) has not provided a formal and official definition.

Regardless of whether one is concerned with the proposed new Anthropogenic geologic epoch, it is evident that humans have significantly altered vegetation patterns and land cover (i.e. agriculture and subsequent land abandonment, conversion of forest to grasslands for pastoral use), water dynamics and distribution of fresh water (i.e. construction of dams), biogeochemical cycles (such as the carbon cycle), soil formation and soil erosion processes. Likewise, human have created and modified new landscapes (defined as anthropogenic landscapes).

This special issue includes 11 contributions concerning studies about the definition and timing of the Anthropocene as a new geological era, and showing some of the most important human impacts on the Earth.


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Arnáez, J., Lana-Renault, N., Ruiz-Flaño, P., Pascual, N., Lasanta, T. 2017. Mass soil movement on terraced landscapes of the Mediterranean mountain areas: A case study in the Iberian range, Spain. Cuadernos de Investigación Geográfica 43 (1), 83-100.

Arthington, A.H., Kennen, J.G., Stein, E.D., Webb, J.A. 2018. Recent advances in environmental flows science and water management – Innovation in the Anthropocene. Freshwater Biology 63, 1022-1034.

Bowman, D.M., Balch, J.K., Artaxo, P., Bond, W.J., Carlson, J.M., Cochrane, M.A., D’Antonio, C.M., DeFries, R.S., Doyle, J.C., Harrison, S.P., Johnston, F.H. 2009. Fire in the Earth system. Science 324 (5926), 481-484.

Brown, A., Toms, P., Carey, C., Rhodes, E., 2013. Geomorphology of the Anthropocene: Time-transgressive discontinuities of human-induced alluviation. Anthropocene 1, 3-13.

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Brown, A.G., Tooth, S., Bullard, J., Thomas, D., Chiverrell, R.C., Plater, A.J., Murton, J., Thorndycraft, V.R., Tarolli, P., Rose, J., Wainwright, J., Down, P., Aalto, R. 2017. The geomorphology of the Anthropocene: emergence, status and implications. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 42, 71-90.

Calsamiglia, A., Fortesa, J., García-Comendador, J., Lucas-Borja, M.E., Calvo-Cases, A., Estrany, J. 2018. Spatial patterns of sediment connectivity in terraced lands: Anthropogenic controls of catchment sensitivity. Land Degradation & Development 29 (4), 1198-1210.

Camera, C., Djuma, H., Bruggeman, A., Zoumides, C., Eliades, M., Charalambous, K., Abate, D., Faka, M. 2018. Quantifying the effectiveness of mountain terraces on soil erosion protection with sediment traps and dry-stone wall laser scans. Catena 171, 251-264.

Carracedo, V., Cunill, R., García-Condron, J.C., Pèlachs, A., Pérez-Obiol, R., Soriano, J.M. 2018. History of fires and vegetation since the Neolithic in the Cantabrian Mountains (Spain). Land Degradation & Development 29, 2060-2072.

Cerdà, A., Giménez-Morera, A., Burguet, M., Arcenegui, V., González-Peñazola, F.A., García-Orenes, F., Pereira, P. 2012. The impact of the farming, abandonment and agricultural intensification on loss of water and soil. The example of the northern slopes of the Serra Grossa, Eastern Spain. Cuadernos de Investigación Geográfica 38 (1), 75-94.

Colombaroli, D., Henne, P.D., Kaltenrieder, P., Gobet, E., Tinner, W., 2010. Species responses to fire, climate and human impact at tree line in the Alps as evidenced by palaeo-environmental records and a dynamic simulation model. Journal of Ecology 98, 1346-1357. https://doi. org/10.1111/j.1365-2745.2010.01723.x.

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Ehret, U., Gupta, H.V., Sivapalan, M., Weijs, V., Schymanski, S.J., Blöschl, G., Gelfan, A.N., Harman, C., Kleidon, A., Bogaard, T.A., Wang, D., Wagener, T., Scherer, U., Zehe, E., Bierkens, M.F.P., Di Baldassarre, G., Parajka, J., van Beek, L.P.H., van Griensven, A., Westhoff, M.C., Winsemius, H.C., 2014. Advancing catchment hydrology to deal with predictions under change. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 18, 649-671.

Ellis, E.C. 2017. Physical geography in the Anthropocene. Progress in Physical Geography 41 (5), 525-532.

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Ferreira, C.S.S., Pereira, P., Kalantari, Z., 2018. Human impacts on soil. Science of the Total Environment 644, 830-834.

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Gallardo, B., Vila, L., 2019. Human influence, key to understand the biogeography of invasive species in the Anthropocene. Cuadernos de Investigación Geográfica 45 (1), 61-86.

García, B., Errea, P., Gómez, D., Pizarro, M., 2019. Winners and losers of landscape changes over the last sixty years in one of the oldest and Southernmost National Parks of the European Alpine Region: Ordesa and Monte Perdido. Cuadernos de Investigación Geográfica 45 (1), 123-141.

García-Ruiz, J.M., Lana-Renault, N. 2011. Hydrological and erosive consequences of farmland abandonment in Europe, with special reference to the Mediterranean region. A review. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 140 (3-4), 317-338. agee.2011.01.003.

García-Ruiz, J.M., Sanjuán, Y., Arnáez, J., Beguería, S., Gómez-Villar, A., Álvarez-Martínez, J., Lana-Renault, N., Coba-Pérez, P. 2016. Evolution of the subalpine belt in the Urbión Sierra (Iberian Range, Northern Spain): an example of the geoecology impact of human activity in the Ormazal Valley. Pirineos 171 e022.

García-Ruiz, J.M., Beguería, S., Lana-Renault, N., Nadal-Romero, E., Cerdà, A. 2017. Ongoing and emerging questions in water erosion studies. Land Degradation & Development 28, 5-21.

González-Álvarez, D., 2019. The need to understand the cultural biographies of alpine and subalpine landscapes during Later Prehistory: Upland Archaeology in the Cantabrian Mountains. Cuadernos de Investigación Geográfica 45 (1), 143-165.

González-Sampériz, P., Montes, L., Aranbarri, J., Leunda, M., Domingo, R., Laborda, R., Sanjuán, Y., Gil-Romera, G., Lasanta, T., García-Ruiz, J.M. 2019. Escenarios, tempo e indicadores paleoambientales para la identificación del antropoceno en el paisaje vegetal del Pirineo Central (NE Iberia). Cuadernos de Investigación Geográfica 45 (1), 167-193.

Halifa-Marín, A., Pérez-Cutillas, P., Almagro, M., Boix-Fayos, C., 2019. Presión antrópica sobre cuencas de drenaje en ecosistemas fráfiles: variaciones en el stock de carbon orgánico asociadas a cambios morfológicos fluviales. Cuadernos de Investigación Geográfica 45 (1), 245-269.

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Montserrat Martí, G., Gómez García, D. 2019. Variación de los dominios forestales y herbáceo en el paisaje vegetal de la península ibérica en los últimos 20000 años. Importancia del efecto de los grandes herbívoros sobre la vegetación. Cuadernos de Investigación Geográfica 45 (1), 87-121.

Novara, A., Keesstra, S., Rodrigo-Comino, J., Smith, P., Gristina, L., Cerdà, A., 2019. Long-term organic farming on a citrus plantation results in soil organic matter recovery. Cuadernos de Investigación Geográfica 45 (1), 271-286.

Peña-Monné, J.L., Sampietro-Vattuone, M.M. 2019. Late Holocene anthropic degradation records in semi-arid environmnets (NE Spain and NW Argentina. Cuadernos de Investigación Geográfica 45 (1), 195-217.

Pijl, A., Barneveld, P., Mauri, L., Borsato, E., Grigolato, S., Tarolli, P. 2019. Impact of mechanization on soil loss in vineyard terraced landscapes. Cuadernos de Investigación Geográfica 45 (1), 287-308.

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How to Cite

Nadal-Romero E, Cammeraat E. Geo-ecology in the Anthropocene. CIG [Internet]. 2019 Jun. 18 [cited 2025 Mar. 26];45(1):5-18. Available from:


