Water Planning and Management in Spain in a Climate Change Context
Facts and Proposals
Hydrological planning, climate change, water security, governance, demand managementAbstract
Water planning and management in Spain is being affected by the recorded effects of the current climate change process. The traditional paradigm based on a policy of continuous water supply no longer fits with the forecasts of decreasing water flows identified by climate and hydrological modelling. The guarantee of water security, a guiding principle of planning, as indicated by Spanish Climate Change Law (2021), requires the incorporation of new water resources that allow water management to be less dependent on rainfall. Effective demand management, the incorporation of regenerated water with a high level of purification, the inclusion of rainwater for urban and leisure uses and the use of desalinated water in coastal areas to be used mainly for urban water supply are presented as viable alternatives to the development of large public hydraulic works that prove ineffective in drought conditions. This paper presents an updated balance of water resources and demands and analyses the increasing difficulty of hydrological planning in our country within a complex political context that requires cooperation and governance actions in water matters. A series of recommendations are proposed, from a geographical perspective, for the necessary adaptation of hydrological planning to the effects of climate change in Spain.
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