Biogeographical factors and land use changes (2009-2013) in the niche of "Trogon elegans ambiguus" and "Euptilotis neoxenus" in Chihuahua, Mexico
ecological niche model, change in land cover, maximum entropy algorithms, environmental determinants of speciesAbstract
Few studies have addressed the current state of the Trogon elegans ambiguus and Euptilotis neoxenus ecological niches, as well as the vegetation dynamics and land use changes where these birds live. This work estimates the potential distribution of Trogon elegans ambiguus and Euptilotis neoxenus in Chihuahua and studies the land use changes in two time periods (2009 and 2015). The MaxEnt software was used to model the ecological niches in Chihuahua, Mexico. The maps of changes in land use and plant cover were reclassified and the classes were homogenized. A crosstab analysis was used to compare correspondence matrices. The results indicate that Trogon elegans ambiguus and Euptilotis neoxenus underwent a niche loss in conifer and hardwood forests, which became farmland or pasture-bushes. Ecological niche modelling is a useful tool to identify suitable areas for species with NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010 status. In the case of Trogon elegans ambiguus, land use changes mainly affect the municipalities of Temosachi and Madera.Downloads
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