Sea level rise inundation risk assessment in residential cadastral parcels along the Mediterranean Andalusian coast




SLR inundation hazards, physical vulnerability, residential cadastral parcels, web geoviewer, Mediterranean Andalusian coast


The general objective of this article is to present the methodological approach for the assessment of the inundation risks associated with the rise in the mean sea level for different models and scenarios of climatic change (IPCC, 2013 and Jevrejeva et al., 2012). The approach focuses on the assessment of the hazard, exposure and physical vulnerability of the built areas, especially the residential areas along the Mediterranean coast of Andalusia (Spain). For hazards calculation a set of tide gauges’ data and climatic scenarios were analyzed to obtain future sea levels for all the spectrum of probabilities. Further, a method is proposed for mapping the probability associated with each scenario using a 5 m cell size DTM. For exposure and vulnerability assessment of built up areas, especially for residential ones, the National Cadastre, which is the most detailed set of data, have been used. Modeling the original cadastral data in a spatial database management system and their analysis through SQL sentences have made possible to identify the cadastral parcels with residential use and associated variables (area, number of residential real estate units, constructed area below ground, etc..), being therefore the cadastral parcel the spatial reference unit for mapping. The overlay of cadastral parcels and the inundation hazard maps has allowed identifying the residential cadastral parcels exposed to each climatic scenario. A method is proposed for better identification of the number of real estate units in each cadastral parcel, assuming this number as the base for residential parcel vulnerability. Finally, the risk assessment is calculated as the product of the previous variables. For the dissemination of the inundation risk assessment results, a web application (geoviewer) was developed. Results show that for the more pessimistic scenario more than 24,000 exposed cadastral parcels would be affected. Out of that, 13,000 exposed residential cadastral parcels were identified and their hazards, exposure and vulnerability calculated in order to map the final inundation risk associated with future sea levels.


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How to Cite

Ojeda-Zújar J, Fraile-Jurado P, Álvarez-Francoso J. Sea level rise inundation risk assessment in residential cadastral parcels along the Mediterranean Andalusian coast. CIG [Internet]. 2021 May 17 [cited 2024 May 18];47(1):243-6. Available from:


