The Semantic and Syntactic Range of Old English Nominalisations with Aspectual Verbs
Nominalisation, Role and Reference Grammar, Old English, aspectual verbs, morphology, semantic-syntactic perspectiveAbstract
This article analyses the complementation of Old English verbs of aspect by means of nominalisations. Three types of derived nominals are distinguised: deverbal nominals that entail a verbal predication but do not take complements of their own; direct nominalisations (with Actor or Undergoer genitive); and oblique nominalisations. The main conclusion of the article is that, to the sources of the English gerund identified by Lass (1992), others should be added, including suffixes (such as -ung, -ness and -t) and affixless derivation from strong and weak verbs. It is also a conclusion of this study that Old English already provides evidence of the acquisition of verbal properties by deverbal nominalisations, such as nominalisations with direct objects and voice distinctions.
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