La Ley 12/2013 de la cadena alimentaria, ¿réplica o complemento de la Ley de defensa de la competencia?
Law 12/2013 of measures for improving the functioning of the food supply chain entered into force on 1st January 2014. Its main objective was protecting the primary sector like the weakest link at food supply channel and giving greater strength in the negotiations with buyers and distributors. When this law was approved and started to run through inspectors by food control and information Agency, the ineffectiveness of competence law regarding agrifood sector was questioned. This paper exposes the origin, arguments and evolution of this special law in order to answer an important matter: does this law of food supply chain in Spain duplicate or complete the competence law in force?Downloads
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How to Cite
Santaolalla Montoya, Cayetana. 2016. “La Ley 12/2013 De La Cadena Alimentaria, ¿réplica O Complemento De La Ley De Defensa De La Competencia?”. Revista Electrónica De Derecho De La Universidad De La Rioja (REDUR), no. 14 (November):137-60.
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