Anti-Bribery Compliance Incentives
This article analyzes an innovative approach to eliminate bribes in multinational corporations. In particular, the concept of using incentive systems to fight corruption is evaluated. This article teaches us how compliance officers, even having laws to which they must adhere, are in some way obliged to make bribes in order to receive subsidies that they can favor them although the regulation gives us another point of view and a different opinion to the one that is exercised. Based on the analysis of 10 formal interviews and 10 interviews of informal experts with prevention experts and corrupt employees, a combination of extra-malus payments is developed. A performance matrix could be used to encourage compliance and productivity. The findings of this study are limited to the perspectives of 20 interviewees. Therefore, it is possible that a study with a larger sample conducted in different countries or at a different time has resulted in different results. The identification of gaps in existing enforcement mechanisms against bribery is intended to provide enforcement officials and legislators with valuable information on how undesirable behaviour could be prevented. It is found that the elimination of the wrong incentives and the establishment of the right ones could take important steps to advance in the fight against bribery.Downloads
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