Right to Work and Placement of the Disabled in the Labour Market: The Italian Legal Framework (Italian Report)


  • Pierluigi Digennaro University of Bari Aldo Moro




Definition of disability, employment, discrimination, effectiveness, Italy


This paper gives an overview of Italian legal instruments that aim to ensure the integration and participation of disabled persons in the labour market and ultimately in society as a whole. The analysis moves from an examination of Constitutional standards to a consideration of the most detailed regulations. The author also discusses the influence and implementation of international legal regulations in Italian law and the possible different approaches to the definition of disability between these two levels. The paper also summarizes the most relevant court decisions on the subject and describes the present labour market situation with regard to the employment of disabled persons as well as the effectiveness of the law instruments, analysed by means of statistical data. Finally, the author analyses the role of Universities in the placement of young graduates with disabilities and gives examples of best practises and specific programs.


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How to Cite

Digennaro, P. (2015). Right to Work and Placement of the Disabled in the Labour Market: The Italian Legal Framework (Italian Report). Revista Derecho Social Y Empresa, (s1), 143–180. https://doi.org/10.18172/redsye.6103



Research Project " The Right to Work of Persons with Disabilities: National Experiences in the EU International Context"