The Review of the Mercosur Social Agreement


  • Juan Manuel Martínez Chas Universidad Católica de Salta



Mercosur Social and Labour Declaration, decent jobs, sustainable business, International Labour Organization, informal labour, union proceedings


The current paper accomplishes a series of considerations and explanations of the most important contents of the reform of the Mercosur Social and Labour Declaration, of July 25th, and its legal implication. The reasons that uphold the demand of the Declaration are given as a part of a Regional Treaty of Human Rights. The inclusion of decent jobs and sustainable business to it and its relation to the International Labour Organization (OIT), 2007, the issues of informal labour, its main scope regarding the recommendations from the same organism N*204 of 2015, and the role of Union Organizations.


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How to Cite

Martínez Chas, J. M. (2015). The Review of the Mercosur Social Agreement. Revista Derecho Social Y Empresa, (4), 158–175.