Dependent Care in The European Union

Models, Trends and Challenges


  • Joseba Zalakain SIIS Centro de Documentación y Estudios



Long term care, care services, comparative study, trends, social expenditure


The objective of this article is to describe some of the main characteristics of the long term care models in Europe, and to analyze the elements that articulate these models in the different countries of the Union. The article also describes the trends of change that have been manifested in relation to the models of long term care in the continent, and emphasizes some of the challenges faced by these models. Among them, the need to adapt long term care services to the social investment paradigm and to the care crisis, making compatible to respond to the growing demand in this area with the necessary reorientation and recalibration of the Welfare States


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How to Cite

Zalakain, J. (2017). Dependent Care in The European Union: Models, Trends and Challenges. Revista Derecho Social Y Empresa, (8), 19–39.