Advances And Setbacks in The Universalization of Health Care Benefits

Special Attention to Foreign People


  • María Belén Fernández Collados Universidad de Murcia



Healthcare, foreigner, universalization, social security


Since the Constitution of 1978 was proclaimed, the National Health System has aspired to achieve the universalization of its bene ts. For this purpose, the break between the National Health System and Social Security through its nancial untying, as well as the recognition of the right to health care bene ts to all citizens, including foreigners regardless of their situation, is essential. administrative in Spain. In this research work, the path traced in this respect is critically analyzed through legislation, with special emphasis on the speci c case of foreigners and in the situation prior to the 2012 reform, as opposed to the same and with the Subsequent counter reform of 2018


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How to Cite

Fernández Collados, M. B. (2019). Advances And Setbacks in The Universalization of Health Care Benefits: Special Attention to Foreign People. Revista Derecho Social Y Empresa, (10), 18–41.