The Italian Pension System. The Relocation Agreement.

Technical Aspects and Operational Processes


  • Elena Signorini University of Bergamo
  • Gina Rosamari Simoncini University of Bergamo



Old-age pension, retirement pension, anticipation, social equity, remuneration system, contributory system, relocation agreement, intensive care system, ANPAL


The Italian pension system is a complex and constantly evolving plant. The revision of the internal mechanisms of social security have led to the transition to a multipliastro functional system to a redistribution of the safeguards. The season of reforms that affected the social protection system of workers fi nds its origin as well as in art. 38 of the Italian Constitution, also in the articles 4, second paragraph and first paragraph 35. Together they make up the structure through which to achieve the protection of every activity or function performed in fulfillment of the general duty that everyone has to contribute with his own work to the material or spiritual progress of society. From them originates the justification of pension protection designed and revisited to face the challenges that the changes in regulatory systems as well as economic ones have created. Unfortunately the serious economic crisis has hit the world of work, increasing unemployment levels and, at the same time, undermining some traditional labor law bases in almost all the countries of the European Union. The adaptability of the person to the imminent and unforeseen transformations of the labor market reshapes a new notion of social security which aims to guarantee the unemployed and the unemployed suitable methods of survival before the loss of work. Not only that: they become recipients of active policies for the search for new jobs and our legislator uses an instrument of North European origin: the relocation contract. The Ministry of Labor and the ANPAL, thanks to the Circular no. 11 of June 7, 2018, highlighted the modalities of early access to the replacement allowance by workers in business areas and professional profiles at risk of redundancy. In the mentioned circular, the agencies provide the operating instructions for the use of the benefits, for the employer and the employee, following the establishment of a new employment relationship.


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How to Cite

Signorini, E., & Simoncini, G. R. (2019). The Italian Pension System. The Relocation Agreement.: Technical Aspects and Operational Processes. Revista Derecho Social Y Empresa, (10), 231–249.